Table 1. Odds ratios with confidence intervals obtained from unadjusted and adjusted logistic models for PGIC improvement
Unadjusted models, n = 223aAdjusted model, n = 154
Characteristic OR P 95% CI OR P 95% CI
Depression1.050.7320.79 to 1.391.060.7560.74 to 1.51
Female1.410.4030.63 to 3.191.680.3480.57 to 5.00
Age0.990.5140.97 to 1.020.990.4370.95 to 1.02
Number of children1.030.8640.75 to 1.411.290.2440.84 to 1.99
Educational level
 High school (10–13 years)0.980.9680.37 to 2.601.460.5540.42 to 5.05
 Higher education institutions (>13 years)1.330.5670.50 to 3.571.940.2990.55 to 6.83
Living alone1.650.1610.82 to 3.334.030.0141.33 to 12.25
Long-term benefits (>12 months)2.300.0111.21 to 4.392.460.0401.04 to 5.83
Full-time sick leave1.570.2710.70 to 3.481.720.3790.51 to 5.73
Number of PPS symptoms0.870.2650.67 to to 1.57
  • aOwing to missing values, the number of observations varied between 173 and 223 in the unadjusted models. The adjusted model included all predictor variables from the unadjusted models. OR = odds ratio. PGIC = Patient Global Impression of Change. PPS = persistent physical symptoms.