Table 3. Terms of everyday medication management at home
n = 180n%
Who collects the medicines from the pharmacy?
The patients themselves13977
The spouse3519
A family member other than the spouse158
Home delivery by pharmacy42
The nurse31.6
Storage of medicines n %
Medicine box8547
Plastic box4525
Medicine bag (paper or plastic)2011
Other: trays, worktop, handbag, drawer148
Drug storage facilities n %
Living room2514
Multiple locations95
Who prepares the medicines? n %
The patients themselves15385
Family and friends53
Adherence to treatment n %
Never forgot to take7039
Rarely forgot to take6838
Sometimes forgot to take3621
Often forgot to take42
Treatment reminder mode n %
Out of habit14797
Home nurse53
Telephone alarm42
Alarm clock31.6
At mealtime31.6
Telephone application10.5
Frequency of forgetfulness with versus without a pillbox With versus without %
Never27 versus 4335 versus 42
Rarely31 versus 3741 versus 36
Sometimes16 versus 2121 versus 20
Often2 versus 13 versus 1
Reported reasons for forgetting medication Unintentional Intentional
'I don't like taking pills.' 1
'I'm afraid of the side effects.' 1
'I feel good so I forget.' 1
'Recent change in treatment.' 1
'Memory problems; forgetting to prepare.' 2
'Fatigue.' 9
'Away from home, restaurant; travel.' 25
'Concerns.' 20
'Pace of life (coming home late from work).' 19
'Distractions; pillbox out of sight.' 13
  • Several answers were possible