Table 3. Trainee survey responses to statements about hospital placements (2021 and 2022)
Agreement with statement score
StatementDisagree (1, 2), % (n)Neutral (3, 4), % (n)Agree (5, 6), % (n)MeanMode
I have felt supported in my hospital placements20213% (1) 18% (7) 80% (32)4.85
20225% (1) 32% (6) 63% (12)4.65
My hospital placements provided me with learning opportunities that are relevant to my future career202112% (5) 12% (5) 76% (32)4.85
20220 47% (9) 53% (10)4.64
There has been too much focus on service provision in my hospital placements202110% (4) 45% (19) 45% (19)3.44
20226% (1) 29% (5) 65% (11)4.55
I had difficulties in arranging study leave in my hospital placements202137% (15) 29% (12) 34% (14)3.62
202246% (6) 8% (1) 46% (6)3.54 & 5
  • For presentation, the 6-point scale has been simplified to a 3-point scale.