Table 4. Trainee survey responses to statements about feeling prepared to practise as a GP and the impact of the 1+2 model
Agreement with statement score
StatementDisagree (1, 2),% (n)Neutral (3, 4),% (n)Agree (5, 6),% (n)MeanMode
I am confident that at the end of my programme I will be prepared to practise as a GP20209% (4)7% (3)84% (36)4.85
20215% (2)12% (5)83% (35)5.05
20225% (1)16% (3)79% (15)5.16
A reduction in the number of hospital posts will weaken a trainee’s preparedness for practice202145% (19)38% (16)17% (7)2.92
202253% (10)32% (6)16% (3)2.71 & 2
Two years in general practice will improve trainees’ preparedness for practice2021017% (7)83% (35)5.26
20225% (1)095% (18)5.35 & 6
The benefits of the 1+2 model outweigh the drawbacks20212% (1)21% (9)74% (31)5.16
202200100% (19)5.55
GP posts are the best place to develop the knowledge and skills needed for a career in general practice20213% (1)6% (2)91% (29)5.46
202205% (1)95% (18)5.56
  • For presentation, the 6-point scale has been simplified to a 3-point scale.