Table 1. Summary of patient reported advantages and disadvantages of patient-reported and staff-led screening
Self-reported surveyConsultation with doctor or staff
Would not feel judged40 Doesn't allow collection of factors that warrant a timely reaction49 Chance to build rapport38 Not realistic owing to time constraints38
Negates concerns of being overheard40 Information may be influenced by social desirability bias, stigma, or self-interest51 Chance to explain purpose38 and questions40 Patients may 'feel judged' more40
'More time to think' about answers40 Has limited communication about survey purpose,38 and limited explanation of questions for those with issues understanding40 More effective method to elicit sensitive information owing to personability.41 'When they ask you, you feel more comfortable'50 Risk of being overheard40
More honest responses40,44 Too many tasks for patient to complete40,42,48 More accurate responses40