Table 1. Summary of review methodology
Review methodology
SearchDatabases· MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Web of Science
The four search strategies can be found in Supplementary Boxes S1–S4. The associated PRISMA diagrams are in Supplementary Figures S1–S4Terms· Terms related to primary health care (such as family practice and general practice) and teams (including, but not limited to, staff, interprofessional, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary).
Limiters search stage 1· Date: January 2015 to December 2021
· Language: English only, because of resource limitations
· Countries: where systems of health care were comparable to the UK, such as Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, and excluding studies set in low- and middle-income countries (because of different levels of resources and priorities), and in the US (because of its heterogenous system of provision, dominance of private insurance funding, and lack of universal coverage).
Search stage 2· US only. Studies set in US integrated care systems (that align enrolled patients with primary healthcare practitioners and use gatekeeping to specialist services) added because search 1 returned four US articles (despite the country filters) that were considered relevant. Search 2 was same as search 1 in all other respects.
Search stage 3· Targeted search, including additional keywords that searches 1 and 2 had identified as potentially relevant, including: ’characteristics’ or ‘structure’ or ‘ratio’ or ‘size’.
Search stage 4· Date range extended back to January 2012 because searches 1–3 had identified relevant earlier articles outside the original search dates. Stage 4 was in 2 steps: search criteria 1 and 2 combined, and search criteria 3.
ScreeningTitles and abstracts, followed by full text· Screening was undertaken independently by two reviewers (RA and HG). Differences were discussed to determine consensus; a third reviewer (BJ) was asked to adjudicate three articles.
Inclusion criteria· Empirical analysis of team composition (structure) OR climate (relational processes) as the primary focus, AND staff outcomes (including job satisfaction, wellbeing, stress, or burnout) OR patient outcomes (including experience, satisfaction, or clinical effectiveness/utilisation).
· Multidisciplinary team working (such as ≥2 different roles/skills).
· Evidence on team composition (structure) that relates to staff ratios, grades, and profession.11
· Evidence on team climate that relates to relational processes of team working including discussion of shared perceptions of organisational policies, practices, and procedures.11
Exclusion criteria· Studies evaluating single roles (for example, nurses and pharmacists) or single patient groups/conditions (for example, diabetes) because they did not represent the full range of general practice service delivery.60
· Articles reporting change in skill mix due to task reassignment among existing team members (for example, substitution and delegation) because this was not considered to be a change in team composition.61 There is already a large and growing body of evidence on the effects of task reassignment.6265
· Non-empirical, non-peer reviewed, grey literature, and dissertations.
· Set in: secondary care, hospitals, outpatient/non-primary ambulatory care, hospices, or long-term care or home-care services.
Quality assessment· Two reviewers (RA and BJ) carried out independent quality assessment of all included studies using the Mixed Methods Assessment Tool (MMAT).66 Articles were scored (1 = high quality and well reported; 2 = good quality; and 3 = lower quality or badly reported but still relevant) so that assessments of the reviewers could be compared. In line with MMAT guidance, no studies deemed of low quality were excluded.
Data extraction· Characteristics of included studies (bibliographic details, country of study, setting, sample/population, data and methods, variables, outcomes, and study limitations) were collated into a Microsoft Excel table (Supplementary Table S1).
Analysis· Texts of included articles were added to NVivo (version 12), coded, and synthesised into a thematic structure consistent with the conceptual framework and research questions.67 Themes were discussed with team members to corroborate findings.