Table 1. Sociodemographics and work-related variables according to sitting and physical activity status
Physical activity status, n (%)Prolonged sitting, n (%)Breaks in sitting, n (%)
Characteristic Total sample ( N = 406), n (%) Meeting guidelines (n = 123)Not meeting guidelines (n = 283)<50% of sitting (n = 145)≥50% of sitting (n = 261)≥2 per hour (n = 187)≤1 per hour (n = 219)
Age, years
 24–4096 (23.6)40 (32.5)56 (19.8)24 (16.6)72 (27.6)35 (18.7)61 (27.9)
 41–50161 (39.7)53 (43.1)108 (38.2)55 (37.9)106 (40.6)70 (37.4)91 (41.6)
 51–70149 (36.7)30 (24.4)119 (42.0)66 (45.5)83 (31.8)82 (43.9)67 (30.6)
Female 290 (71.4)86 (69.9)204 (72.1)94 (64.8)196 (75.1)121 (64.7)169 (77.2)
White ethnicity 328 (80.8)93 (75.6)235 (83.0)125 (86.2)203 (77.8)157 (84.0)171 (78.1)
Working country
 England330 (81.3)99 (80.5)231 (81.6)117 (80.7)213 (81.6)150 (80.2)180 (82.2)
 Wales22 (5.4)6 (4.9)16 (5.7)9 (6.2)13 (5.0)12 (6.4)10 (4.6)
 Scotland45 (11.1)14 (11.4)31 (11.0)18 (12.4)27 (10.3)22 (11.8)23 (10.5)
 Northern Ireland9 (2.2)4 (3.3)5 (1.8)1 (0.7)8 (3.1)3 (1.6)6 (2.7)
GP working location
 City135 (33.3)44 (35.8)91 (32.2)41 (28.3)94 (36.0)59 (31.6)76 (34.7)
 Town206 (50.7)60 (48.8)146 (51.6)76 (52.4)130 (49.8)90 (48.1)116 (53.0)
 Rural65 (16.0)19 (15.4)46 (16.3)28 (19.3)37 (14.2)38 (20.3)27 (12.3)
Job role
 Managing/executive partner19 (4.7)3 (2.4)16 (5.7)9 (6.2)10 (3.8)14 (7.5)5 (2.3)
 GP partner221 (54.4)68 (55.3)153 (54.1)93 (64.1)128 (49.0)104 (55.6)117 (53.4)
 Salaried/Locum GP148 (36.5)41 (33.3)107 (37.8)40 (27.6)108 (41.4)62 (33.2)86 (39.3)
 GP specialist18 (4.4)11 (8.9)7 (2.5)3 (2.1)15 (5.7)7 (3.7)11 (5.0)
Sessions of work per week
 1–340 (9.9)12 (9.8)28 (9.9)10 (6.9)30 (11.5)18 (9.6)22 (10.0)
 4–6236 (58.1)62 (50.4)174 (61.5)89 (61.4)147 (56.3)109 (58.3)127 (58.0)
 ≥7130 (32.0)49 (39.8)81 (28.6)46 (31.7)84 (32.2)60 (32.1)70 (32.0)
Practice list size
 <6,00065 (16.0)19 (15.4)46 (16.3)21 (14.5)44 (16.9)36 (19.3)29 (13.2)
 6000–14,999231 (56.9)71 (57.7)160 (56.5)80 (55.2)151 (57.9)104 (55.6)127 (58.0)
 ≥15,000110 (27.1)33 (26.8)77 (27.2)44 (30.3)66 (25.3)47 (25.1)63 (28.8)
Member of RCGP 381 (93.8)115 (93.5)266 (94.0)138 (95.2)243 (93.1)175 (93.6)206 (94.1)
BMI category
 Healthy weight (18–24.9 km/m2)228 (56.2)48 (39.0)180 (63.6)81 (55.9)147 (56.3)107 (57.2)121 (55.3)
 Overweight or obese (≥25 km/m2)169 (41.6)71 (57.7)98 (34.6)60 (41.4)109 (41.8)77 (41.2)92 (42.0)
 Missing9 (2.2)4 (3.3)5 (1.8)4 (2.8)5 (1.9)3 (1.6)6 (2.7)
Burnout 144 (35.5)50 (40.7)94 (33.2)45 (31.0)99 (37.9)60 (32.1)84 (38.4)
Psychological wellbeing category
 Low93 (22.9)38 (30.9)55 (19.4)28 (19.3)65 (24.9)36 (19.3)57 (26.0)
 Medium284 (70.0)79 (64.2)205 (72.4)104 (71.7)180 (69.0)128 (68.4)156 (71.2)
 High24 (5.9)6 (4.9)18 (6.4)10 (6.9)14 (5.4)21 (11.2)3 (1.4)
 Missing5 (1.2)0 (0.0)5 (1.8)3 (2.1)2 (0.8)2 (1.1)3 (1.4)
  • BMI = body mass index.