Table 1. Characteristics of patients with atrial fibrillation (prevalent oral anticoagulant [OAC] users and patients who started an OAC by the GP)
Patient characteristicsn = 12 516
Age (years, mean, sd)77.2±8.0
Sex (% female)45.4
Type of OAC (% DOAC)43.1
Type of user (% starter)3.8
Thrombosis (%)1.5
Embolism (%)0.8
CVA or TIA (%)14.3
Heart failure (%)18.3
Depression (%)3.4
Renal function
eGFR ≥50 (%)66.6
eGFR <50 en≥30 (%)14.2
eGFR <30 (%)2.6
eGFR n.a. (%)16.6
Antidiabetic drugs (%)20.7
Cardiovascular drugs (%)95.5
Antidepressants (%)13.3
Benzodiazepines (%)17.0
Gastrointestinal drugs (%)65.1
No comedication (%)1.8
  • CVA = cerebrovascular accident. DOAC = direct oral anticoagulant. eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate. OAC = oral anticoagulant. TIA = transient ischaemic attack.