Table 4. Logistic regression models estimating the association of patient-related factors associated with PPI/H2RA prescription in individuals with AF on DAT
Characteristic OR (95% CI) P value OR (95% CI) P value
Female1.22 (0.68 to 2.20)0.5011.33 (0.68 to 2.56)0.403
Age group, years
≥751.01 (0.59 to 1.71)0.9800.84 (0.45 to 1.58)0.588
South Asian2.18 (1.01 to 4.68)0.0462.70 (1.15 to 6.32) 0.023
Black1.20 (0.52 to 2.74)0.6721.46 (0.59 to 3.65)0.416
Unknowna 1.79 (0.72 to 4.46)0.2133.30 (1.13 to 9.66)0.029
IMD quintileb
1 (least deprived)ReferenceReferenceReferenceReference
20.65 (0.28 to 1.48)0.3010.54 (0.22 to 1.30)0.170
31.15 (0.45 to 2.96)0.7651.42 (0.52 to 3.89)0.489
40.82 (0.35 to 1.96)0.6590.69 (0.27 to 1.75)0.434
5 (most deprived)0.75 (0.32 to 1.77)0.5160.65 (0.26 to 1.63)0.362
IHD, stroke, or TIA2.34 (1.29 to 4.26) 0.005 3.33 (1.71 to 6.47) <0.001
Diabetes or CKD1.40 (0.82 to 2.41)0.2201.33 (0.71 to 2.47)0.370
Upper GI bleeding
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg
≥1402.04 (0.94 to 4.48)0.0722.07 (0.90 to 4.74)0.087
Smoking status
Never smokedReferenceReferenceReferenceReference
Ex-smoker1.23 (0.68 to 2.25)0.4941.69 (0.84 to 3.31)0.144
Current smoker1.78 (0.70 to 4.50)0.2251.88 (0.69 to 5.14)0.217
Unknown1.31 (0.51 to 3.36)0.5802.32 (0.72 to 7.46)0.157
BMI, kg/m2
<201.00 (0.35 to 2.80)0.9881.13 (0.36–3.52)0.833
≥301.02 (0.57 to 1.83)0.9541.14 (0.58 to 2.26)0.702
Unknown0.87 (0.35 to 2.16)0.7570.96 (0.32 to 2.91)0.946
  • aEthnicity not stated or missing. bPatients with missing IMD data were excluded from the univariate logistic regression model. cPatients with missing systolic blood pressure data were excluded from the univariate logistic regression model. Bold indicates a statistically significant value. AF = atrial fibrillation. BMI = body mass index. CKD = chronic kidney disease. DAT = dual antithrombotic therapy. GI = gastrointestinal. H2RA = H2-receptor antagonist. IHD = ischaemic heart disease. IMD = Index of Multiple Deprivation. OR = odds ratio. PPI = proton pump inhibitor. TIA = transient ischaemic attack.