Table 2. Characteristics of practices and GPs involved in the review
Practice characteristics Practices, n (%)
Type of practice
 Dispensing practice8 (80)
 Non-dispensing practice2 (20)
Clinical system
 SystmOne5 (50)
 EMIS Web5 (50)
Formulary availability on clinical system
 Formulary available5 (50)
 Formulary unavailable5 (50)
Mean deprivation score based on IMD scorea (SD)16.4 (9.5)
Mean list size (SD)9392 (2499)
GPs-in-training characteristics Participants, n (%)
Sex of GP-in-training
 Male5 (50)
 Female5 (50)
Ethnic group
 White British5 (50)
 British Indian2 (20)
 British Pakistani1 (10)
 Asian (other)1 (10)
 Mixed1 (10)
Age range, years
 25–293 (30)
 30–344 (40)
 35–392 (20)
 40–491 (10)
Date of graduation
 2004–2009b 5 (50)
 20105 (50)
Country of graduation
 UK8 (80)
 Overseas2 (20)
Stage of training
 ST21 (10)
 ST39 (90)
Sex of trainer
 Male7 (70)
 Female3 (30)
  • IMD = Index of Multiple Deprivation. SD = standard deviation. ST = specialty training. aDeprivation score (IMD 2010; figures from 2012) Higher IMD scores indicate greater relative deprivation.bOne participant each for year 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, and 2009.