Table 1. Participant demographic information (n = 16)
Sex, n (%)Female = 9 (56)Male = 7 (44)Other = 0
Age, yearsMean = 39Range = 25 to 51
Country of birth, n (%) Australia = 12 (75)Othera = 4 (25)
Main source of income, n (%)Government pension =13 (81)Full-time employment =3 (19)
Accommodation, n (%) Stable = 14 (88)Lives alone = 6 (38)
Unstable = 2 (13)Lives with others = 10 (63)
Education completed, n (%)Secondary school = 9 (56)University = 7 (44)
Mental health diagnoses (self-reported),b n (%) Anxiety = 10 (63)Nil = 1 (6)c
Psychotic illness = 7 (44)Depression = 9 (56)PTSD = 3 (19)
Bipolar affective disorder = 4 (25)Borderline personality disorder = 5 (31)
Currently subject to compulsory psychiatric treatment (self-reported), n (%)No = 13 (81)Yes = 3 (19)
Regular GP, n (%)Yes = 14 (87)No = 2 (14)
Number of consultations with any GP in past 12 months, n (%)Nil = 01 to 3 = 4 (25)4 to 6 = 3 (19)7 to 9 = 2 (13)≥10 = 7 (44)
  • aOther = New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Pacific Islands. bMultiple diagnoses (2–6 diagnoses each) were reported by 12 participants. cThis patient indicated that his only mental health issue was 'loneliness'. He was subject to compulsory psychiatric treatment.

  • PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder.