Table 3. SF-12 scores at baseline and at month one after the consultation in the intervention and control groups
BaselineITT/PP1 monthPPMean difference(95% CI)P value
Physical dimension, mean (SD)Intervention group47.2 (8.7)/46.4 (9.0)46.0 (9.3)–0.4 (–2.5 to 1.6)0.69
Control group44.3 (8.1)/44.6 (8.3)47.2 (9.6)2.6 (0.6 to 4.6)0.01
Intervention group versus control group –2.9 (–6.1 to 0.4) 0.08 a 0.13 b
Mental dimension, mean (SD)Intervention group44.7 (8.2)/45.1 (7.6)45.1 (9.0)0.0 (–2.5 to 2.5)0.98
Control group46.8 (10.5)/47.6 (9.3)44.8 (9.4)–2.7 (–5.6 to 13.0)0.06
Intervention group versus control group 1.9 (–2.1 to 5.5) 0.35 a 0.29 b
  • aPP using the imputation method; that is, the baseline score was used to replace the score at Week 4 when missing. bITT using the imputation method.

  • ITT = intention-to-treat analysis. PP = per-protocol analysis. SD = standard deviation.