Table 2. GP reported advantages, concerns regarding CPRs for respiratory tract infections, their use in remote consultations, and implementation
1) Advantages of CPRs
  • Useful for providing evidence for prescribing decisions to patients

  • Evidence-based decision aid for clinicians

  • Documenting what happened in the consultation

2) Concerns about use of CPRs
  • Patient complexity

  • An intrusion on the consultation

  • Time constraint as main barrier

  • Issues with accuracy and interpretation

3) Use of CPRs during COVID-19
  • CPRs need to be adapted for remote consultations

  • CPRs need to be validated for remote consultations

  • Patients could complete CPR

4) Implementation of CPS
  • Integration into computer systems

  • GP awareness

  • CPRs need to be evidenced and endorsed

  • Ideally validated in primary care population

  • CPR design and length

  • Changes to CPR to improve patient understanding

  • Monetary incentives not needed

  • CPRs = clinical prediction rules.