Data type | Study aim | Data collection procedure | Data analysisprocedure | Theoretical framework | Products or outcomes | Points of integration |
Qualitative | To identify the barriers and facilitators to implementing alcohol BIs in general practice | Interviews: patients; clinicians; practice staff; PHN staff | Inductive thematic coding | CFIRRE-AIM | Perception of implementation processes from multiple viewpoints (acceptability; adoption; fidelity) | Triangulate with NoMAD data to inform implementation process.Compare with practice level data on % alcohol intake recording to look for patterns on increased uptake, or not |
Quantitative | Increase uptake of alcohol BIs | Routine data extraction from practice to PHN (drinker, non-drinker, not recorded; sex; age); PHN to share the amalgamated data with research team | Descriptive statistics every 3 months.Interrupted time-series analysis compared with all practices in PHN catchment. Data will be collected monthly | CFIRRE-AIM | % change in patient records with alcohol intake recorded (reach; adoption) | Compare with qualitative interview data to understand barriers and facilitators to % change |
Quantitative | To identify the barriers and facilitators to implementing alcohol BIs in general practice | NoMAD survey from practice managers and clinicians | Likert scale | Normalisation Process Theory | Measure of provider assessment of potential 'normalisation' of new procedure (acceptability; adoption; sustainability) | Triangulate with interview data from providers to identify implementation processes |
Quantitative | Nested SMS study to determine response rates to SMS surveys over 9–12 months | SMS survey to patients at 3-monthly intervals using 2-way SMS (Qualtrics) | % response rate% of questions completed at each time point | NA | Response rate to SMS surveys over time | NA |
BI = brief intervention. CFIR = Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. NA = not applicable. NoMAD = Normalisation Measure Development. PHN = primary health network. RE-AIM = Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance. SMS = short message service.