Table 2. Predictors of having at least one GP experience (pooled results from 10 multiple imputations). Predictors ordered by significance level
PredictoraUnstandardised estimate (b)SEORLower 95% CIUpper 95% CIP value
Total number of experiences relating to medicine0.300.021.361.301.41<0.0001b
Attends a private school0.500.121.651.312.08<0.0001b
Has at least one parent/carer in ‘professional’ socioeconomic group0.480.121.621.282.050.0001b
'Other' ethnicityc –0.990.310.370.200.670.0011b
Attends a grammar school0.280.131.331.021.720.0321b
Mixed ethnicity–0.420.240.660.411.050.0779
Has at least one parent/carer who is a doctor0.
Number of medical students or doctors the applicant knows0.
Mean GCSE points0.
Black ethnicity–
Asian ethnicity–
Has had at least one hospital medicine experience0.
Lives in a less deprived postcode–
Number of other applicants to medicine that the applicant knows0.00070.041.000.921.080.9853
  • aReference category for ethnic groups is the White ethnic group; reference category for school type is state-funded school. bPredictors statistically significant at the Bonferroni corrected level = 0.0035. cIncludes Arab ethnicity. OR = odds ratio. SE = standard error.