Table 2. Comparison of UTI clinical and bacteriological cure at the end of treatment, and recurrence
StudiesAntimicrobialDosea Duration n Clinical cureRecurrenceBacteriological cure
n % n % n %
30Gleckman et al 1979TMP-SMX+ Placebo160/800 mg BD14 days211362629
TMP-SMX160/800 mg BD42 days216291362
31Iravani 1992Lomefloxacin400 mg QD7–10 days101010010100
Norfloxacin400 mg BD7–10 days11111001091
29van Nieuwkoop et al 2017Ciprofloxacin500 mg BD7 days19179021119100
Ciprofloxacin500 mg BD14 days191910021118a 100
  • BD = twice a day. TMP-SMX = trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. QD = once a day. aOne missing urine sample.