Country | Confirmed cases | Deaths | Case-fatality | Death per 100 000 population |
UK | 321 064 | 41 454 | 12.9% | 62.35 |
US | 5 438 325 | 170 497 | 3.1% | 52.11 |
The Netherlands | 64 980 | 6194 | 9.5% | 35.95 |
Canada | 124 218 | 9075 | 7.3% | 24.49 |
Australia | 23 773 | 438 | 1.8% | 1.75 |
New Zealand | 1643 | 22 | 1.3% | 0.45 |
Confirmed cases and hence case-fatality depend on the degree to which community testing and surveillance is occurring, and whether all deaths (including those at home or in aged care facilities) are included.
As of 18 Aug 20. Source Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center8