Table 1. NHS Health Check fidelity checklist based on NHS Health Check Best Practice Guidance1
Risk assessment
EthnicityAsked patient their ethnicity
HeightMeasured height
WeightMeasured weight
Blood pressureMeasured blood pressure
Pulse rhythmPalpated pulse and verbalised comment regarding pulse
CholesterolEvidence of cholesterol measurement taken
Family history of CVDAsked patient about any family history of cardiovascular disease
Alcohol usageAsked patient about alcohol consumption per week
Smoking historyAsked patient about smoking status
Weekly physical activityAsked patient number of hours of physical activity completed per week
Risk communication
QRISK2 scoreTold patient their QRISK2 percentage score
Blood pressureTold patient their blood pressure
BMITold patient their BMI
CholesterolTold patient their cholesterol
AUDIT-CTold patient their AUDIT-C score
Risk management
Lifestyle adviceSuggested, or encouraged the patient to suggest, specific lifestyle changes for risk reduction
Clinically appropriate lifestyle adviceAs for 'lifestyle advice', but where lifestyle advice is given which relates to at least one lifestyle factor for which the patient was outside of the recommended limits
Dementia risk informationTold patient the key message that the risk factors for CVD and dementia are the same
  • BMI = body mass index. CVD = cardiovascular disease.