Table 1. Site of primary care assessment of potential COVID patients in six countries.a
CountryVirtualb(off-site)Primary care officesAssessment centresAfter-hours clinicsEmergencydepartmentsHome visits
AustraliaCommonOccasionalCommonc SometimesCommonOccasional
New ZealandCommonSometimesCommonSometimesOccasionalSometimes
The NetherlandsCommonCommonOccasionalCommond CommonSometimese
UKCommonOccasionalCommonSometimesd SometimesOccasional
  • aThis is based on knowledge of national pandemic plans, professional communications and anecdotal evidence amassed by the authors in order to give a general picture; it does not reflect the heterogeneity that may occur within each country. bVirtual assessments were conducted to advise patients as to whether it was necessary to be clinically assessed and, if indicated, to direct them to the appropriate venue. cKnown as GP respiratory clinics. dSeeing patients in off-hours is part of primary care system. eCommonly done for the sub-population of vulnerable older persons.