Table 2. Patient characteristics
Characteristic n (%)a
Mean a ge, years ( range, SD) 52.2(40 to 73, 9.3)
Sex Female26 (68.4)
Male12 (31.6)
Ethnicity White34 (89.5)
Mixed/multiple ethnic group0 (0.0)
Asian/Asian British1 (2.6)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British3 (7.9)
Family history of CVD in a first-degree relative 19 (50.0)
BMI >25 26 (68.4)
Weekly moderate physical exercise <2.5 hours 14 (36.8)
Weekly alcohol consumption >14 units 7 (18.4)
Current smoker 2 (5.3)
QRISK2 >10% 7 (18.4)
Education level  University18 (47.4)
Secondary19 (50.0)
Primary1 (2.6)
Deprivation quintile b  14 (10.5)
214 (36.8)
311 (28.9)
49 (23.7)
50 (0.0)
  • aUnless otherwise stated. bIndex of Multiple Deprivation quintile: 1 = least deprived, 5 = most deprived. BMI = body mass index. CVD = cardiovascular disease. SD = standard deviation.