Table 1. Topics and example questions used in interviews
ClientsEmployment support workersHealthcare professionals
  • Views around health and employment (for example, what are your thoughts about returning to work?)

  • IPS recruitment processes (for example, how did you get to be involved in the programme?)

  • Programme activities (for example, what activities have you been involved with?)

  • Benefits of the programme (for example, what do you think you have got out of the programme?)

  • Role of employment support workers (for example, can you tell me about your role in the programme?)

  • Programme goals, activities, and outcomes (for example, can you walk me, step-by-step, through your involvement with a client?)

  • IPS recruitment processes (for example, what do you think about the recruitment process?)

  • Integration with other programmes and other pain services (for example, what support do you think you need to work with existing services?)

  • Benefits of IPS (for example, what do you think are the benefits of IPS for those who are unemployed due to chronic pain?)

  • Integration of IPS and other pain services (for example, how could IPS work with primary care and existing services?)

  • IPS recruitment processes (for example, what are your thoughts on identifying and recruiting patients with chronic pain who are unemployed?)

  • Evaluation of IPS (for example, can you think of any other issues to the intervention?)

  • IPS = Individualised Placement and Support.