Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
CharacteristicsAll, N =593Female, n =459Male, n =134
Mean age, years (SD)66.5 (12.3)66.5 (12.0)66.5 (13.5)
Mean age at diagnosis, years (SD)52.7 (12.2)52.3 (11.8)53.8(13.7)
Mean time of disease, years (SD)* 13.8 (7.9)14.2 (8.0)13.0 (7.4)
Mixed race, n (%)588 (99.2)456 (77.6)132 (22.4)
Hypertension, n (%)387 (65.3)306 (79.1)81 (20.9)
Family history of CVD, n (%)343 (57.8)262 (76.4)81 (23.6)
Tobacco use *
 Non-smokers, n (%)464 (78.2)404 (87.1)60 (12.9)
 Former Smokers, n (%)83 (14.0)40 (48.2)43 (51.8)
 Smokers, n (%)46 (7.8)15 (32.6)31 (67.4)
Mean programme engagement time, years (SD)* 5.5 (2.7)5.7 (2.6)4.9 (2.7)
  • CVD = cardiovascular disease. SD = standard deviation.

  • *Time of disease, programme engagement time, and tobacco use were significantly different among the sexes (Mann-Whitney U-test, χ2 test; statistically significant P<0.05).