Table 2. Sample of 10 random concordance lines for 'acronym'
Line 1from [LOCATION] but yeah I mean acronyms are generally a bad thing aren’t they (.)
Line 2yeah ideally you want to be avoiding acronyms as far as possible um and particularly
Line 3and it was CRT there are quite a few acronyms in there but I think I understand those
Line 4be more clearly set out well I think acronyms should be avoided wherever possible
Line 5of typing and I know there are some acronyms that could be applied to more than
Line 6a bar in the occasional letter or an acronyms that has gone wrong or mistakes that
Line 7we don’t always understand the acronyms that they use and I think on a formal
Linewith date is all on there um (.) one acronym I don’t know myself so not sure how
Line 9here or could you clarify what this acronym stands for because we are not always
Line 10large they ought to avoid using any acronyms really for clarity not just to the patient