Table 1. Baseline characteristics
Men (n = 6276)Women (n = 6236)
Age, mean (SD) 63.1 (12.9)65.1 (14.1)
Smoking status, n (%)
 Current1168 (22.3)815 (15.4)
 Never1583 (30.2)3069 (57.9)
 Former2489 (47.5)1418 (26.7)
10-year cardiovascular disease risk, n (%)
 Low (<10%)146 (3.5%)364 (8.1%)
 Intermediate (10%–20%)173 (4.1%)563 (12.6%)
 High (>20%)3888 (92.4%)3548 (79.3%)
Known history of cardiovascular disease, n (%)1968 (31.4)1670 (26.8)
Known history of hypertension, n (%)3625 (57.8)3891 (62.4)
HbA1c mmol/mol, mean (SD)54.6 (12.8)54.0 (11.6)
HbA1c %, mean (SD)7.2 (3.3)7.1 (3.2)
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (SD)137.9 (17.2)137.5 (18.0)
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (SD)79.3 (10.1)78.5 (10.3)
Total cholesterol, mmol/l, mean (SD)4.4 (1.0)4.7 (1.0)
LDL-c, mmol/l, mean (SD)2.4 (0.8)2.6 (0.9)
HDL-c, mmol/l, mean (SD)1.2 (0.3)1.4 (0.3)
Body mass index, kg/m2, mean (SD)29.1 (4.6)30.7 (6.0)
Glucose-lowering drugs, n (%)4475 (71.3)4209 (67.5)
Lipid-lowering drugs, n (%)3966 (63.2)3592 (57.6)
Antihypertensive drugs, n (%)4139 (65.9)4245 (68.1)
  • Due to missing data, not all variables included add up to n = 6276 for men and n = 6236 for women. HDL-c = high-density liproprotein cholesterol. LDL-c = low-density liproprotein cholesterol. SD = standard deviation.