Table 2. Diagnostic parameters of POC H-FABP as a stand-alone test
Outcome: ACS or other life-threatening diseaseOutcome: ACSOutcome: AMIOutcome: NSTEMI
Interval, onset complaints to presentation, hours 0– 24 0– 3 3– 24 0– 24 0– 3 3– 24 0– 24 0– 3 3– 24 0– 24 0– 3 3– 24
Patients, n 291a 106b 179b 291a 106b 179b 291a 106b 179b 291a 106b 179b
Sens H-FABP POCT, % (95% CI)25.7 (13.1 to 43.6)8.3 (0.44 to 40.2)36.4 (18.0 to 59.2)25.8 (12.5 to 44.9)9.1 (4.8 to 42.9)36.8 (17.2 to 61.4)26.9 (12.4 to 48.1)10.0 (0.52 to 45.9)40.0 (17.5 to 67.1)18.9 (5.0 to 46.3)0 (0 to48.3)33.3 (9.0 to 69.1)
Spec H-FABP POCT (95% CI)97.3 (94.2 to 98.8)98.9 (93.4 to 99.9)96.2 (91.5 to 98.4)96.9 (93.8 to 98.6)98.9 (93.4 to 99.9)95.6 (90.8 to 98.1)96.6 (93.4 to 98.3)99.0 (93.5 to 99.9)95.1 (90.3 to 97.7)95.3 (91.9 to 97.4)98.0 (92.3 to 99.7)93.5 (88.4 to 96.6)
NPV H-FABP POCT, % (95% CI)90.5 (86.3 to 93.6)9.4 (81.5 to 94.3)91.5 (85.9 to 95.1)1.6 (87.6 to 94.5)90.4 (82.6 to 95.0)92.7 (87.4 to 96.0)93.1 (89.2 to 95.7)91.3 (83.8 to 95.7)94.5 (89.6 to 97.3)95.3 (91.9 to 97.4)94.2 (87.4 to 97.6)96.4 (91.9 to 98.5)
PPV H-FABP PoCT, % (95% CI)56.3 (30.6 to 79.2)50.0 (26.7 to 97.3)57.1 (29.6 to 81.2)50.0 (25.5 to 74.5)50.0 (26.7 to 97.3)50.0 (24.0 to 76.0)43.8 (20.8 to 69.4)50.0 (26.7 to 97.3)42.9 (18.8 to 70.4)18.9 (5.0 to 46.3)0 (0 to 80.2)21.4 (5.7 to 51.2)
  • Sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values of POC H-FABP for all patients, patients presenting within 3 hours of onset of complaints, and patients presenting 3–24 hours after onset of complaints for several outcomes, namely: (1) life-threatening disease (that is, composite of acute heart failure, pulmonary embolism, aortic dissection, acute death, ACS); (2) ACS (that is, UA, NSTEMI, STEMI); (3) AMI (that is, NSTEMI and STEMI); and (4) NSTEMI only.

  • a12 test failures among 303 included patients.

  • b In six cases, patients presented within 24 hours after onset of complaints; however, registration of duration of complaints was incomplete. These patients are not included in the tables representing subgroups of patients presenting with chest pain within 3 hours or 3–24 hours after onset of complaints.

  • ACS = acute coronary syndrome. AMI = acute myocardial infarction. CI = confidence intervals. H-FABP = heart-type fatty acid-binding protein. NPV = negative predictive value. NSTEMI = non-ST elevated myocardial infarction. POC = point of care. PPV = positive predictive value. Sens = sensitivity. Spec = specificity. STEMI = ST-elevated myocardial infarction. UA = unstable angina.