Table 1. Table summarising characteristics of study practices with comparison, where relevant, to Scottish average
Total participants,n10
Trainers, n5
Non-trainers, n5
Training practices in NES Scotland deanery, n5
Location (region of deanery)
West, n5
East, n2
South East, n2
North, n 1
Average list size per practice, n5620
Scotland average, n5710
Range in practices interviewed, n2827–9118
Proportion of practice list in the most deprived quintile (2015), %63.61
Scotland average, %16.2
Range in practices interviewed, %25.6–87.9
Average deprivation scorea4.54
Scotland average3.11
Range in practices interviewed3.95–4.81
  • a Deprivation score weighted by the proportion of the practice in each of the five deprivation quintiles: 1 (most affluent) to 5 (most deprived). For example, Practice 8 has a lower proportion of patients in quintile 1, but has a higher score as almost all their patients live in postcodes in the two most deprived quintiles.