Box 2. Examples of relationships between variables within the Leicester SEARCH conceptual framework
Interaction typeExample
The risk of a Health Need (manifestation of illness) leading to a Health Outcome (mortality), modified by InterventionsIncreased mortality rates if higher coronary heart disease (CHD) prevalence, but these rates can be reduced by smoking cessation, and by optimising blood pressure and lipid profiles in target populations.
Context (physical environment) affects the interaction between disease-related and person-related Illness Determinants to generate a Health NeedAir pollution combined with smoking increase the prevalence of chronic pulmonary disease and acute infections
Context modifying Illness Determinant leading to Health NeedUK legislation to ban smoking in buildings and other public places leading to fewer smokers and a reduction in age-related CHD mortality rates
Interaction between Context and InterventionInflux of migrants with specific health needs may require health services to provide additional or different forms of health care to address their needs, with the aim of improving these populations’ health outcomes