Table 2. Factors associated with counselling about alcohol habits in 2014
Unadjusted Block Ia Block IIb
B95% CIB95% CIB95% CI
Demographic factors
Age, years0.01-0.003 to 0.030.01-0.003 to 0.0030.01-0.002 to 0.03
Sex0.01-0.11 to 0.120.004-0.12 to 0.12-0.006-0.13 to 0.11
Own lifestyle habits
Own physical activity0.05-0.01 to 0.110.05-0.01 to 0.11
Own alcohol habits-0.01-0.03 to 0.02
Clinical mastery<0.001-0.02 to 0.02
Vulnerability0.002-0.03 to 0.03
GPc0.25d0.11 to 0.390.27d0.08 to 0.47
Hospital medical physicianc-0.28e-0.40 to -0.170.04e-0.13 to 0.21
Job stress0.002-0.003 to 0.01
Cohort0.02-0.10 to 0.14
  • aBlock I = the result of adjusted analysis on associations between own lifestyle habits and counselling. bBlock II = the result of adjusted analysis on associations between own lifestyle habits and counselling, controlled for possible other confounders/moderators. cReference category: other specialty. dP<0.01.eP<0.001. B = unstandardised beta. CI = confidence intervals.