RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Clinical risk in remote consultations in general practice: findings from in-COVID-19 pandemic qualitative research JF BJGP Open JO BJGP Open FD Royal College of General Practitioners SP BJGPO.2021.0204 DO 10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0204 VO 6 IS 3 A1 Rosen, Rebecca A1 Wieringa, Sietse A1 Greenhalgh, Trisha A1 Leone, Claudia A1 Rybczynska-Bunt, Sarah A1 Hughes, Gemma A1 Moore, Lucy A1 Shaw, Sara E A1 Wherton, Joseph A1 Byng, Richard YR 2022 UL http://bjgpopen.org/content/6/3/BJGPO.2021.0204.abstract AB Background The COVID-19 pandemic-related rise in remote consulting raises questions about the nature and type of risks in remote general practice.Aim To develop an empirically based and theory-informed taxonomy of risks associated with remote consultations.Design & setting Qualitative sub-study of data selected from the wider datasets of three large, multi-site, mixed-method studies of remote care in general practice before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.Method Semi-structured interviews and focus groups, with a total of 176 clinicians and 43 patients. Data were analysed thematically, taking account of an existing framework of domains of clinical risk.Results The COVID-19 pandemic brought changes to estates (for example, how waiting rooms were used), access pathways, technologies, and interpersonal interactions. Six domains of risk were evident in relation to the following: (1) practice set-up and organisation (including digital inequalities of access, technology failure, and reduced service efficiency); (2) communication and the clinical relationship (including a shift to more transactional consultations); (3) quality of clinical care (including missed diagnoses, safeguarding challenges, over-investigation, and over-treatment); (4) increased burden on the patient (for example, to self-examine and navigate between services); (5) reduced opportunities for screening and managing the social determinants of health; and (6) workforce (including increased clinician stress and fewer opportunities for learning).Conclusion Notwithstanding potential benefits, if remote consultations are to work safely, risks must be actively mitigated by measures that include digital inclusion strategies, enhanced safety-netting, and training and support for staff.