Article Figures & Data
- Table 1. The relation between burnout, work engagement, and norms and values: are there intergenerational differences?
Burnout No burnout Total Sex % n % n n Male 19.6 11 80.4 45 56 Female 29.3 17 70.7 41 58 Total 24.6 28 75.4 86 114 Male 22.6 7 77.4 24 31 Female 11.8 2 88.2 15 17 Total 18.8 9 81.3 39 48 Male 4.5 1 95.5 21 22 Female 36.4 4 63.6 7 11 Total 15.2 5 84.8 28 33 Total 21.5 42 78.5 153 195 Age group Sex Very low, % n Low, % n Average, % n High, % n Very high, % n Total, n 25–35 years Male 7.1 4 25.0 14 41.1 23 25.0 14 1.8 1 56 Female 3.4 2 17.2 10 50.0 29 29.3 17 0.0 0 58 Total 5.3 6 21.1 24 45.6 52 27.2 31 0.9 1 114 36–50 years Male 3.2 1 16.1 5 64.5 20 16.1 5 0.0 0 31 Female 11.8 2 5.9 1 70.6 12 11.8 2 0.0 0 17 Total 6.3 3 12.5 6 66.7 32 14.6 7 0.0 0 48 51–65 years Male 4.5 1 4.5 1 72.7 16 18.2 4 0.0 0 22 Female 0.0 0 45.5 5 45.5 5 0.0 0 9.1 1 11 Total 3.0 1 18.2 6 63.6 21 12.1 4 3.0 1 33 End total 5.1 10 18.5 36 53.8 105 21.5 4 1.0 2 195 - Table 3. Degree of identification with portraits of equivalence, benevolence, stimulation, and traditions, respectively, by age group
Equivalence Degree of identification with portraita Age groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 25–35 years, % 15.6 45.3 25.0 6.3 7.8 0.0 36–50 years, % 16.1 48.4 19.4 9.7 3.2 3.2 51–65 years, % 37.5 54.2 4.2 4.2 0.0 0.0 Total, % 20.2 47.9 19.3 6.7 5.0 0.8 Benevolence Degree of identification with portraita Age groups 1 2 3 5 25–35 years, % 48.4 43.8 7.8 0.0 36–50 years, % 35.5 38.7 19.4 6.5 51– 65 years, % 41.7 50.0 8.3 0.0 Total, % 43.7 43.7 10.9 1.7 Stimulation Degree of identification with portraita Age groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 25–35 years, % 6.3 32.8 31.3 21.9 7.8 0.0 36–50 years, % 16.1 9.7 41.9 19.4 12.9 0.0 51–65 years, % 4.2 29.2 25.0 29.2 8.3 4.2 Total, % 8.4 26.1 32.8 22.7 9.2 0.8 Traditions Degree of identification with portraita Age groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 25–35 years, % 3.1 23.4 31.3 15.6 17.2 9.4 36–50 years, % 6.5 29.0 25.8 3.2 29.0 6.5 51–65 years, % 0.0 54.2 16.7 12.5 8.3 8.3 Total 3.4 31.1 26.9 11.8 18.5 8.4 aLikert scale, ranging from 1 (‘Looks very much like me’) to 6 (‘Does not look like me at all’)
- Table 4. Degree of identification with the work ethic portrait 'I often think I would be more successful if I gave up certain pleasures', by age group
Age group 1 2 3 4 5 6 25–35 years, % 11.7 26.3 19.0 19.7 18.2 5.1 36–50 years, % 18.8 37.5 22.9 12.5 4.2 4.2 51–65 years, % 13.5 43.2 29.7 10.8 2.7 0.0 Total, % 13.5 31.5 21.6 16.7 12.6 4.1 Likert scale ranging from 1 (‘Do not agree at all’) to 6 (‘Completely agree’)