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- Page navigation anchor for Long term use of benzodiazepinesLong term use of benzodiazepines
This is an interesting study and a useful contribution to the literature.
Sadly, it tends to reinforce the view, of both patients and physicians, that there is no point in withdrawing these drugs when they have been prescribed for a long time for elderly people. This, despite abundant evidence of long-term harms and a lack of evidence of long-term benefit.
Of course there can be difficulties in withdrawing these drugs and they shouldn't just be stopped without any discussion. However there is abundant advice as to how to withdraw them. (Convert all benzodiazepines or Z-drugs to Diazepam and then withdraw slowly, over a period of weeks or months.) It's important to take the patients with you on this and for all partners in a practice to agree that withdrawal will take place. It just takes the will to do it. Not doing this is Bad Medicine indeed...Competing Interests: None declared.